Rachel Anne

We all have a story, don’t we?

My story involved the diagnosis of Hypothyroidism at age 27 with zero hope of healing combined with the projection of life-long obesity, debilitating depression, brain-fog, short-term memory loss, chronic fatigue, multiple skin issues, and absolutely no desires or passions in life. 

The End. Have a fun life Rachel Anne.

I don’t think so. It was simply the beginning of the search for health and healing. I refused to believe that this was my life and that my body was against me.

I went down all the routes and tried all the things and eventually became a Certified Heavy Metal Detox Specialist working for Dr. Mindy Pelz after personally detoxing with her and seeing huge shifts physically in my body.

Reclaim your health

Helping women detox the physical body was the stepping stone which led me to take Neuro Linguistic Programming and the Master Practitioner Program with Dr. Matt James. I saw how powerful tapping into your own neurology and the Unconscious Mind is to healing and wholeness at the deepest level. The body works as a WHOLE to protect and preserve you. Trauma and baggage stored in the Unconscious Mind in the form of negative emotions and limiting beliefs keep you “stuck” and disconnected from physical healing and alignment in who you ARE and what you want to DO and BE in every area of your life.

TODAY, decide to start living life.

I AM whole, healed, off of all medications, fired up with joy and living life.
I AM a Certified Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Mental & Emotional Release®, and Hypnotherapy.
I AM uniquely equipped to create and live my life from a place of freedom of Being.